Bravery is defined as having the mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty. Teaching children to be resilient, trust their abilities, and experiment creatively leads them on a path to bravery. Taking on challenges as a young person, and learning from mistakes, will better equip them to handle life's inevitable ups and downs. Building toys are one fun way to help children learn these skills.

Growing Block by Block
Have you watched an energetic toddler stack blocks, watch them fall, and start all over again? Did you notice their smile? This lesson builds resilience in a fun and engaging way. When children play with building blocks, they learn how to try, fail, and keep going! This enhances their confidence as they begin to see themselves as a fixer, saying “I can do it”. Each time they build and rebuild a wobbly tower, they will overcome the emotions of frustration and begin to believe more in their abilities.
Construction play
Construction toys have historically supported children’s learning in preschool and elementary schools. Simple activities like counting bricks, stacking, or sorting colored blocks contribute to the way a child thinks. Brands like Block Tech have a wide range of interlocking block toys that offer simple yet engaging play. At HDI Wholesale, we offer these to non-profit organizations at a fraction of the cost of retail, to make sure EVERY child has this opportunity to gain confidence.
Creative GROWTH
While some toys come with instructions, construction toys truly encourage creativity. One day a child will build the tallest tower, tomorrow a castle and the next day, a spaceship. Blocks let children create without limitations and encourage their imaginative skills to flourish. Discovering their creative abilities naturally cause their self-esteem to skyrocket. Imagination helps children boost social skills and confidence!
Boosting Cognitive Development
Building blocks enhance a child’s cognitive skills. Children must constantly make decisions when building: what to build, how to structure it, where to start, etc. This requires them to plan, be strategic, explore their spatial awareness, and apply problem-solving skills. In addition, building requires patience, which is an essential life skill.
In summary, building toys can lead children on a path to bravery, confidence, and resilience.